Getting on with it

30 May 2019

We’re proud of what we do here at EstimateOne.

It feels great going to work knowing we’re helping commercial construction businesses connect and share valuable information. We’ve been doing this for ten years now — and we have every intention of continuing to improve the tender experience for thousands of head contractors, subbies and suppliers.

As the years tick over, we’re continuing to find new ways to share more info and delivering new features to keep you in control.

But growing pains happen — and we’re no exception. We found ourselves jamming more and more info into the same amount of space.

Each new feature we add means a new take on design. It’s created a consistency issue. The new and the old, fighting for attention on the one page. It was time to get it under control. What we needed was a brand and design system that would serve us for the next ten years.

So we got to work. We looked at where we were at, and tuned in to what our users were telling us. We then teamed up with the guns at PUSH Collective and MASS Studio to start imagining a new way of doing things.

Next, we put it all into practice and started the refurb. Our focus is to show you what you need to see at a glance — no fluff. We’ll get you what you’re after then get the hell out of the way so you can get the job done.

Let’s face it, EstimateOne exists to help the commercial construction industry. We want our brand to reflect that, not in a clichéd ‘fake tradie’ way — but in a way that champions all the work that actually gets done.

Quoting and tendering can be a bit of a hidden art – and quite honestly, often it can be a thankless task.

We’re championing the hidden work, the unsung hero of construction. From the plumbing to the framing, the ductwork to the reo. We want to shine a light on the process of building and estimating, not just the finished product. After all, we exist for estimators, for tradies, for suppliers.

We’ve always been about getting stuff done — and the more we looked at our symbol, the more the infinity mark just didn’t cut it. Rather than going around in circles, we wanted to stand for getting somewhere. We’ve moved to the three cascading lines. A bit like a staircase — practical, essential but with plenty of space at the top.

We’re not done just yet. Over the coming weeks we’ll be rolling out our new brand in more and more places.

Let us know what you think! We’re pretty stoked with how it’s going so far, but if you’ve got some good ideas we’d love to hear them.