Connecting the construction industry at Tender time.

The Commercial Construction Marketplace

60% Faster enquiries

70,000+ Projects tendered

$5M+ Listed projects of every size

Trusted by Great builders

The best tendering software available on the planet*

(*according to us)

From manually pulling together tenders, staying on top of construction documentation, or chasing people up, estimating can be a pretty tough slog. So we set about developing a smarter, simpler software platform to help out builders, suppliers and subbies alike.

How can we help you?

E1 helps main contractors manage their tender sendouts and find the best subcontractors to submit quotes

E1 helps subbies connect with main contractors, find new open tenders to quote and manage their RFQ pipeline

Main Contractors

We help builders de-risk & speed up tender sendouts.

Reduce risk

Make data-driven decisions

Increase speed to market

Main Contractors

We help builders de-risk & speed up tender sendouts.

E1’s tender workflow provides traceability and control over document distribution. Utilising both your own integrated supply chain as well as a wider network of subbies, EstimateOne can give your business the competitive advantage at tender time


We help subcontractors find more work & connect with new builders

Find work easily

Submit your quotes directly

Connect with the industry's best

Grow your business


We help subcontractors find more work & connect with new builders

E1’s tender noticeboard allows subcontractors to find relevant commercial construction projects in their area to work on. Furthermore, Subcontractors who sign up to EstimateOne can join a directory where they can connect with some of the UK and Ireland’s top Builders.

Six reasons the construction industry prefers E1

Simple and easy to use

We pride ourselves on our user experience. Too much software is clunky and ugly. E1 is the opposite – easy to learn, simple to use, and attractive to boot.

Built by the industry

E1 was built by construction people, for construction people. We don’t want to change what you do, we just want to make it faster and better.

Leading the way

We have had more than 70,000 projects tendered through E1, and we’ve handled over 7.6 million architectural documents since we opened shop. If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is!

Always reliable

Software that’s slow, buggy or unavailable is frustrating. Our software uses state-of-the-art technology, and has uptime of > 99.9%.

Tried & trusted

We’ve been around a while now, and are here to stay. We’re in Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines and now in the UK too.

Real support

We’re proud of our software but we’re pretty proud of our people too. Our team is always on hand when you need them. Real people, real friendly. Real good.